Designing Non- Digital Solution In A Digital World

Kloud Bahnas
3 min readNov 24, 2020

Experience Design For Architects | Interior designers.

It has always been that designers ( Architectural , Interior & Urban ) they are the ones to define , shape and create our physical life experience.

But Today !

Everything has changed dramatically.

Architect most likely to chase clients who still believe in constructing an iconic space.

UX/UI designers living the golden era

Customer Experience Expert & Service Designers who are the ones trying to design our today’s experiences based on Human centric approaches.

The current layout of designing a service has left Architects| Interior designers | Urban designers to face a great challenge.

Today people are forced to communicate, interact, and to survive by using digital solutions, which leaves no choice for decision-makers and investors but to focus on technology and digital inventions. Leaving architects, urban designers, and interior designers to face wicked problems that emerge multiple questions ;

  • How designers can rebuild the cities of today?
  • How can designers attract the millennium generation to experience architectural spaces/ buildings?
  • How architects | interior designers can be part of service design and customer experience practice ?

Outside-in experience

With every design decision we take to construct and orchestrate a physical space, we affect the people’s experience, behaviors, and life’s decisions but more importantly, we affect the businesses/brands and organizations’ performance. Whether designers do that on purpose or to manifest particular design and creative capabilities, the perception that we reflect through design sometimes neglects users and their jobs-to-be-done!

What If designers layout experiences from the Outside-In?

Put users at the center of the experience and design an experience that attracts Users to Attract users to Entice, Engage, Involve, Act, and Sustain!

Today’s clients & Users expect more from Architectural & Interior Designers in need to offer a new value proposition to clients except , fast delivery design and impressive renders !

Introducing new value ;

Physical Experience Design (PXD)

Physical Experience Design combines and leverages an array of traditional design disciplines (such as UX/UI, industrial design, architecture, interior design, behavioral design and more) to build places in new, unique, innovative, and impactful ways. Through layering interaction with physical and digital content, PXD works to transform previously banal everyday spaces into impactful and memorable places.

Most companies that invest in commercial buildings hires customer experience strategist to design customer journey with touch-points of interaction that aims to enhance the customer journey within their service & at their physical spaces.

However, executing & constructing this customer experience journey is in the hand of the architect/interior designer that could make it happen Or fail to make it successful!

What if architects/interior designers adopted in the early stage of design customer journey mapping?

What if architects understood what businesses are trying to achieve from a business perspective?



Kloud Bahnas

Innovation Advisor, with a multi-disciplinary background in experience design, service design & business transformation. Happy to help Happy to chat.